NLP Practitioner Certification and
NLP Training in India

NLP Practitioner course is the most popular and structured methodology that trains you to get what you want.

Get a Licensed NLP Practitioner Training Course Certified by Dr. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP. 

NLP Practitioner Course (Neuro-linguistic programming), gives you the tools and insights to conquer life’s obstacles and create a path of success and fulfillment. Whether it’s personal relationships, emotional well-being, or achieving personal goals, you will learn practical techniques to overcome challenges and create lasting positive change.

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

Neuro-linguistic programming is a methodology developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1970. It is based on the idea that language and behavior are interconnected and that understanding and influencing how we use language can improve our communication, achieve our goals, and transform our lives.

NLP focuses on the relationship between the neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic), and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming). By studying and analyzing these three elements, practitioners of NLP helps you overcome limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, and self-sabotaging behaviors.

To achieve your goals, we at NLP Limited coach and train you to work on 3 core levels:


Empowering the Mind to create useful states and mental maps to achieve greatness.


Using language as a tool to access our thoughts and influence others.


Auto-pilot mode that’s running your life, your behavior.
Richard Bandler and Rajiv Sharma (Two NLP Gurus)

Licensed NLP Training and Coaching in India by Rajiv Sharma, Global Guru in NLP

The programs that got you to this level will not take you to the next level.
You need to reprogram.

How Does Neuro-Linguistic Programming Work?

NLP has various tools and techniques that help you achieve your goals and build excellence.  


NLP works at three levels your mind, your language and behavior.

You learn to identify and change behavior patterns that limits you from achieving your goals. You identify the patterns of behavior causing problems, then analyze the language associated with these patterns.

Once the problematic language patterns have been identified, NLP practitioners use various techniques to help individuals replace these negative patterns with more positive and empowering ones.

You leans tools like self-hypnosis, visualization, , and other forms of positive reinforcement.

Excellence with NLP

Modeling Excellence in NLP involves the identification of successful individuals who excel in a particular area or skill, and then studying their behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs. By modeling these successful individuals, you can learn how to achieve similar results and improve your own performance in that area.

Another important aspect of modeling in NLP is the concept of “modelling across contexts.” This involves taking the patterns and techniques learned from one area of life and applying them to another area. For example, if you learn effective communication skills through modeling successful salespeople, you might apply those skills to your personal relationships or work interactions.

MARK Model for Effectiveness and Success

Rajiv Sharma created MARK Model, also known as Mindset, Action, Repetition, Knowledge Framework for effectiveness and success.

  • Mindset: Everything begins in the mind before you do it in the physical world.
  • Action: Nothing happens until you take action. Action is a vital step that differentiates between success and failure.
  • Repetition: Repetition creates habits. First, we create habits then these habits create our destiny.
  • Knowledge: Taking your knowledge to the mastery level and inovating new ideas.
NLP Tools and Techniques

All our NLP programs are designed to help to you create effective change and lead yourself and others to success and fulfillment. Some sample tools and techniques are:

  • Sensory Acuity
  • Perspective Taking
  • Building Beliefs
  • Association/ Disassociation
  • Framing / Re-framing
  • Building Rapport and Trust
  • States and Anchoring
  • Goal Setting and Strategies
  • Timeline Therapy

Why become an NLP Practitioner?

NLP Practitioner is a trained professional who knows to connect ideas, language, and behavior patterns gained through experience to achieve desired results. You learn to decode successful people’s strategies and apply them to achieve your personal and professional goals.

An NLP Practitioner is competent in applying NLP techniques at the mind, language, and behavior levels. The technique entails deliberately using the mind and communication style to achieve the desired results.


Benefits of becoming NLP Practitioner

There are many benefits of becoming practitioner of NLP, we summarize everything under the following three advantages :

High Performance and Financial GROWTH

Financial Success with NLPLimited

NLP Practitioner is for you when you want to achieve excellence and significant career jump or massive business gains. 

Relationships and Happiness

Rapport Building with NLP
NLP helps you build self-understanding and rapport with others leading to happiness.

inner tranquility and peace

Self Confidence with NLP
NLP Practitioner takes charge of his emotions, enjoys experiences of life and transforms to another level of being.

NLP is highly valuable not only for individuals but for every industry because it helps model and drives performance. As a result, organizations achieve their targets, as people build the behavior for excellence. For that reason, organizations hire NLP Coaches for leaders and teams to achieve excellence and fulfillment.

What Are the Benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

The programs that got you to this level will not take you to the next level. You need to reprogram.

There are many benefits to using Neuro-Linguistic Programming, including improved communication skills, increased self-confidence, and greater control over one’s thoughts and emotions. In addition, by identifying and changing negative patterns of behavior, individuals can improve their relationships, achieve their goals, and lead more fulfilling lives.

Some specific benefits of NLP in personal life:

  • Improved Communication Skills: NLP helps organization and individuals develop effective communication and interpersonal skills. 
  • Increased Self-Confidence: Individuals build greater self-confidence and self-esteem by identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities: NLP can help individuals approach problems more creatively and flexibly, leading to more effective solutions.
  • Greater Emotional Intelligence: By learning to identify and control their thoughts and emotions, individuals can experience greater emotional stability and resilience.

Applications of NLP in business and life:

  • Sales and Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Leadership and Management
  • Customer Experience & Service
  • Innovation and Creativity 
  • Human Resource Management 
  • Coaching and Training
  • Performance Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Organizational Culture 

Click on the image below to understand NLP and how you can benefit from it. 

How do I become an Effective NLP Practitioner?

Becoming an NLP practitioner is a journey which begins with understanding that every human being is different and has the required resources within to achieve greatness and success.

Next step is to identify a Licensed Coach and join the Licensed NLP Practitioner that gives you tools and techniques to connect with your hidden resources and empower you to achieve excellence.

Online NLP Training

We Invite You to Join This life-changing NLP Practitioner Certification

This one program gives you 4 international credentials.

Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming from The Society of NLP, USA

You receive internationally recognized certificate by Dr. Richard Bandler (Co-Creator of NLP), Society of NLP, USA and your coach Rajiv Sharma (Creator of MARK Model).

Practitioner of the MARK Model - Mindset, Action, Repetition, Knowledge Framework.

You learn from Rajiv Sharma, creator of MARK Model (Mindset, Action, Repetition, Knowledge framework) that empowers you to be effective and successful.

ICF Certification

Certified Leadership Coach with NLP Skills approved by ICF for Continuing Coach Education (CCE) 40 units.

ICF Coaching Leaders

You Develop an Attitude of Curiosity and Get Accreditation from NLP Coaching Academy.

You will Get Business Models from Rajiv Sharma, listed among the Best Sales Trainers in the World. You will get an edge in your business with his unique Selling Tools and Techniques.

Why Learn from NLP Limited?

Learn from the multi Award Winning  Service and Training company:

TOP NLP Institutes

 NLP Limited is Globally ranked No. 6 institute by Top NLP Institutes, a research organization for learning and development for companies. 

You receive world-class education that has put NLP Limited on the world map.

NLP Limited - Award Winning Company

Learn from the Award Winning Company for Most Innovative NLP Consultative Services and Training.

You learn innovation and creativity from the program that will empower to be master of your domain and also enable you invent and create something new. 

NLP Global Guru Rajiv Sharma

Your trainer and coach, Rajiv Sharma has featured among the Top NLP Global Gurus for the last 4 years.

You will learn from one of the best NLP coach, who has trained over 750,000 professionals  from 62 countries.

Rajiv Sharma Best Sales Trainer

Your coach Rajiv is also listed among The Best Global Trainers for Sales.

As Rajiv says, we’re in the business of selling. We sell ourselves, our ideas, our company, our products, and our services.

You will learn various business models that Rajiv coaches his corporate clients.

NLP Limited gets Stevie Awards

NLP Limited programs received Bronze award in 2022 for Sales and Customer Service because of Neuro Linguistics Programming applications in the field of business.

You get to learn all these business tools and techniques.

Earn NLP Practitioner Program and Certification Training from Global Guru, Rajiv Sharma, NLP Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Master Trainer.

(7 Days - Classroom Program in Bangalore)


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NLP is your pathway to becoming a Great Leader, a Business Performer, and overall a Legendary Human Being.

Best NLP Training Practitioner in India for Effectiveness and Success.

Richard Bandler and Rajiv Sharma (Two NLP Gurus)

You will be certified by Dr Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP) and Rajiv Sharma (creator of MARK Model). Rajiv is ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach. He is one of the most qualified NLP trainers worldwide and is highly ranked in the field of NLP. He created MARK Model using NLP. You will begin to use MARK tools in every sphere of life, be it Health, Money, Relationships, and Career. Our NLP course and program are accepted worldwide. You will consciously reprogram from the inside; once you have gained this ability, it gives you the power to change your behavior and hence you achieve a life-building desire to learn, produce excellence and be excellent. Learn from the master trainer.

Class NLP prepares you to become ACC Coach and associate coach. This course is also offered as an online course, you can join it from the comfort of your own home. Global training team will work with you for comprehensive NLP training. Rajiv Sharma is one of the best NLP trainers in India.

Rajiv Sharma is the only Global NLP Gurus, Best Global Sales Trainer, ICF Certified Coach endorsed by Brian Tracy (Best-Selling Author and Renowned Speaker); Marshall Goldsmith (#1 Leadership Thinker, Professional Coach, NYT Bestselling Author), John Mattone (Bestselling Author, World’s Top Executive Coach), Dangote Group (Largest Conglomerate in Africa) and many others global leaders.

Click on the image above to know what Brian Tracy says about Rajiv Sharma

Make a MARK in LIFE by Rajiv Sharma

Rajiv Sharma used Neuro Linguistic Programming to innovate MARK Model (aka Mindset, Action, Repetition, Knowledge) framework resourceful for success and effectiveness in 2013. Since then, over 100,000 professionals have been using this model to achieve their purpose. It impacts the subconscious mind, and the message sticks, persuading you to take action toward your goals. People from an area can apply MARK Model to their own field. Many professional bodies use MARK methodology as a standard to certify and test people.

Rajiv Sharma has over 25 years of experience as NLP Master Practitioner, Mentor Coach, Master Coach, and Coach Trainer. Companies in the world hire Rajiv for this out-of-the-box thinking strategy for business. He has learned NLP from the creators of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr John Grinder and is a member of the international bodies.

Fee includes:

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In case of booking with a partial fee, it's the candidates' responsibility to complete the balance fee 1 week before the commencement of the program.

Take Master NLP Practitioner Training Sessions after this level.

Our NLP Courses and Certification Courses provide NLP with the highest quality NLP tools and techniques. This workshop prepares you for NLP Practitioner Course, Master Certification Program, Master Practitioner Course, Master Practitioner Training, Master Practitioner Certification Training, Master NLP Trainer, NLP and Coaching, Personal Development Leadership Coach, Certified Organizational Development Coach, Associate Leadership and Executive Coach, Meta NLP Practitioner, Certified NLP Trainer, NLP Master Trainer, Train the Trainer Training Certification, Certified Associate Leadership and Executive Coach. This NLP Qualification takes you from a basic understanding of NLP to advanced concepts.

You’ll learn from Rajiv Sharma, NLP Master Practitioner, ICF Coach & Licensed NLP Trainer.


The workshop allows individuals to practice NLP and MARK concepts and learn to apply NLP Techniques to your field and elevate to a higher life. NLP coaching and certification training is the best self-development and personal empowerment approach that takes you beyond self-mastery.

Brain Tracy, The Best Selling Author, and Public Speaker has endorsed Rajiv Sharma for the application of NLP in Business. Rajiv is a coach who has used NLP for various coach training programs in India. 

(7 Days - Classroom Program)​


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NLP is your pathway to becoming a Great Leader, a Business Performer, and overall a Legendary Human Being.

NLP Practitioner course and certification training by Master Trainer Rajiv Sharma. He prepares you for your journey toward Mastery.

Richard Bandler NLP Training by Rajiv Sharma
Society of NLP Training USA

NLP Limited is ranked #6 NLP Institute in the world by Top NLP Institutes, a research organization for NLP Training courses, NLP Business Applications and corporate training course companies used for organizational development. You can apply NLP concepts to any area of life. These training programmes also run in NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Mumbai, NLP Kolkata, NLP Chandigarh, and NLP Bangalore.

NLP Limited features in Top NLP Institutes

As a certified excellent practitioner, you’ll learn the required skills like Milton Model, Re-framing, NLP Strategies, Business Communication, Coaching Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personal Success, Psychology, Master Your Emotions, Mindfulness, Hypnosis, Life Coaching Skills, Asking Right Questions and many more topics as given by the society of Neuro Linguistic Programming and other bodies like nlp association, inlpta, inlp, anlp, abnlp, nlpea and american board of nlp. These bodies provide their own certificates, some call it diploma in nlp. Society of NLP is the highest quality of the training program. When people are unable to face a challenge or grow significantly, they turn to NLP.

During the NLP workshop live training, participants will acquire a minimum understanding and ability to utilize the necessary skills, techniques, patterns, and concepts of NLP. The sequence of the concepts may vary due to regular innovation in the field.

It’s an integrated program, you get multiple NLP Training and Coaching certifications. This workshop is a highly in demand program, you need to book your seat in advance.

NLP is used for Organizational Development to Achieve Goals.
You get
Licensed NLP Certification,
ICF Leadership Coach Certification,
Global Business Coach and
MARK Model Certification.

Licensed Certification is an 8-day (6-day online nlp training and 2-day face-to-face class session) program.

During the physical class session, you will get refreshments/ lunch. Break and finish times may vary.

NLP professionals create a strong rapport during the programs and help one another grow in life.

NLP provides opportunities to grow beyond your imagination and become an all round life coach.

Elevate Your Life by Becoming a Certified NLP Practitioner.

Begin now with this NLP training India with these four certification courses.

(7 Days - Classroom Program)​


Regular Fees

INR 1,48,500 + GST

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NLP is your pathway to becoming a Great Leader, a Business Performer, and overall a Legendary Human Being.

We also Conduct NLP Practitioner Course in Dubai.

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